martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

The Trick

The love of my life
cannot understand
he’s not my friend

He might find it
offensive. Perhaps
even insane!

We like long walks
and fortnightly installments

-Those go
about the shallow
and the deep-

We never kiss
or share beds
-kissing his neck
when saying goodbye
is just a futile clue-
and mastered
the fine art
of never trembling

by accident
our hands encounter

Sometimes our sight
-in a very weird way-
also does
through these
every kind of topic

I’m sorry sometimes
I’m not able
to pay him
any attention
while he talks

I just gather pinches
of his gestures
drops of his voice

And I recall him
by the light
straight midnight
laying concerned
behind my shoulder

Asking me questions
one might find annoying
but I found
terribly sweet:

“What is it that
you feel about me
this is not just sex
is it?"

-I crumbled inside
like an ancient ruin-

Sharp and clever
as I pretend to be
replied almost manly:

“I don’t like that kind
of just about sex relationships.”

-Worst answer of my entire life-

The fool
unsheltered asked
If I had ever love him
or ever will

it was just a glance

I smile to him so often

makes me

Just sitting there
giving me complex lectures
about things
I’ll never understand
about politics or economics

I’ll look into his eyes
with my all-things-burning
and smile to him so often
as if he was this little child
that got into the nose trick
parents do with their thumbs
I will smile to him
so often!
The love of my life
cannot understand
he’s not my friend.

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